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Lumps Appear On The Hand, This Is Possible Cause

Lumps in the hands are quite common and can be caused by many things, are generally mild and do not cause serious health problems. However, immediate examination is still needed, especially if the lump causes discomfort and pain or difficulty moving the hand. It is important to recognize the various possible causes of the lump in the hand, so that you can take the initial steps of the examination and treatment. This initial examination can then be complemented by radiological examination and biopsy procedures to determine whether the lump is from a malignancy or not. Below are a number of possible causes of a lump on the hand.
  • Ganglion cyst

  • A lump in the hand can be a symptom of a ganglion cyst. Ganglion cysts are cysts that form in the joints or tendons, such as the hands, fingers, or wrists. The cyst, which generally appears on the back of the wrist, feels like a soft lump like a springy jelly. Although the cause is not known for certain, but this condition usually arises after an injury to the tendon or joint, also due to aging. The good news, ganglion cysts can shrink or disappear on their own, and only require an examination if it feels painful or uncomfortable. Handling is usually done by sucking the cyst fluid using a needle or lifting the cyst through surgery.
  • Dupuytren's contracture

  • Dupuytren's contracture is one possible cause of a lump in the hand. This condition is characterized by hardening and thickening of the elastic tissue called fascia located between the palm and fingers. The most noticeable symptom is the fingers become curved forward. Lumps often felt on the palms can initially feel soft and painful with the little finger and index finger is the finger that is often affected. The cause of the disease which is generally hereditary is not known with certainty. But it is thought there are biochemical factors that affect the connective tissue of the palm of the hand. In addition, this condition can be influenced by various other factors such as smoking and alcohol consumption, diabetes, and seizures. This disease if left untreated will cause damage to bone and skin tissue on the hands. If there is a contracture that causes the fingers to bend, then the hand will be difficult or even unable to move. Therefore, this condition needs to be treated early so that it does not develop into disability.
  • Warts

  • A small lump in the hand may be a wart which is generally caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV). Warts are usually round or oval in shape, vary in size (can be less than 1 mm in diameter or even more than 1 cm), feel hard with an uneven surface like cauliflower, and can be only one or several lumps. Although not dangerous and can disappear by itself, warts can last for months, even years. To speed healing, you can use topical medication containing salicylic acid, or a spray of dimethyl ether propane which is sold freely. But immediately consult a doctor if the warts continue to recur, do not heal, or experience changes in shape and feel pain. To prevent warts, avoid sharing personal equipment such as towels with others. Warts are skin diseases that can be transmitted because the HPV virus can move through direct physical contact, or through objects as intermediaries. To treat warts that are difficult to cure, your doctor may perform surgical removal of the warts by surgery or by electrocautery.
  • Tumors on the hands

  • Lumps on the hands can be tumors, skin tumors, musculoskeletal tumors, or soft tissue tumors. Even though only 1-2% of tumors in the hands are dangerous, an immediate examination is needed to anticipate the worst possibility. Determination of the level of tumor malignancy is assessed by location, the presence or absence of tumor metastasis and spread to lymph nodes, as well as the degree of histological changes or the shape of cells and tissues in the sarcoma. Benign tumors on the hands can also be lipomas, which are fatty tissue tumors in the form of lumps that are soft, painless, springy, and often non-intrusive. These lumps often appear on the back, arms, chest, neck, thighs or buttocks. Although rare, it can also appear in the hand.
To determine whether a lump in the hand is dangerous or not, the doctor will conduct a medical history, physical examination, and supporting examinations such as a hand X-ray, CT scan, MRI, blood tests such as liver function tests, calcium levels, and alkaline phosphatase. Biopsy examination is also important to see changes in the shape of the tissue and cells in the lump to determine whether the lump came from cells that are malignant or benign. Treatment for lumps on the hands is given based on the cause. If it is caused by a ganglion cyst, lipoma or tumor, surgery will be performed to remove the lump. Dupuytren's contractures can be treated with corticosteroids to treat inflammation, and surgery if the lump is enlarged or painful. In cases that have caused difficulty in moving the hands, physiotherapy is needed to exercise the ability of muscles and bones to move. Generally the conditions above are mild. But there is no harm in checking a lump in the hand to anticipate other possibilities that are worse, especially when the lump is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever, pain, the hand feels stiff or difficult to move, the lump enlarges quickly, palpable hot, weight decreases dramatically for no apparent reason , or if you have a history of previous malignancies.


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